Saturday Morning in The Davies Park Market

As I’m living around campus, my neighborhood is mostly occupied by students, and weekend means shopping day for us the students family. It is very common to see us in the street with our shopping cart and shopping bags in the weekend. Here, cooking our own food is way cheaper than eating out. Therefore, most students here are cooking their own food and shop their own groceries.

Among all places to shop, I love this community market called Davies Park Market. Located in the Davies park, West End, this market is held every Saturday from 6 am to 2 pm. Quoted from their official website here, Davies Park Market is “A weekly community event featuring music with fresh produce and healthy fast food, fashion, and gifts under a canopy of glorious giant fig trees. Davies Park Market West End has a wide array of products and produce that you won’t find anywhere else in Brisbane”

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You barely can find anything here, from the organic produce, flowers, handmade accessories, to the brow threading stall. I love local fresh products with the competitive price. Also, there are some stalls which sell Asian vegetables and fruits.

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Bukan cuma buat belanja groceries, disini juga bisa nongkrong. Disini ada beberapa kedai kopi (yang setiap pagi, antriannya selalu nggak santai), bakery dan beragam jenis makanan & snacks.  Ada juga musisi lokal yang suka ditontonin disini.

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Overall, I love the ambiance of shopping here. Kadang-kadang terasa hectic karena ramai dan pilihan barangnya banyak. But it is a good crowded though. The sellers seem passionate with what they produced and sells, and buyers like me seem exciting in choosing each product to bought. Setiap kesana sebenarnya saya pingin banyak foto-foto tapi yang udah-udah sih ke distract belanja ini itu.

Kalau di Indonesia, konsep farmers market ini sepertinya belum terlalu familiar ya. Walaupun sebenernya ada juga beberapa event yang konsepnya serupa, tapi seringkali variasi produknya terbatas dan segmented sekali. Plus lokasinya masih di mall. Padahal kalo menurut saya, di ruang terbuka hijau gitu yang bikin tambah seru.

Terinspirasi dari Davies Park Market ini, saya jadi pingin buat event serupa nanti di Jakarta/Tangsel. Ada yang mau ikut bantuin, mungkin? 🙂
